Star Wars: Resistance is out and we are adding to the cacophony of reviews that we are sure you’ve already listened to! How is Ian dealing with the seemingly lack of Force Wizards? Will the lack of a land mass

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Star Wars: Resistance is out and we are adding to the cacophony of reviews that we are sure you’ve already listened to! How is Ian dealing with the seemingly lack of Force Wizards? Will the lack of a land mass
Too lazy to go out and buy Solo? Never fear, Hoth Topics is here to go over all the special features you could shake a vibro-stick at! We discuss the deleted scenes, a few featurettes and even try to help
This week we go across ‘The Pond’ to talk to fellow podcaster Harry of The Ranked List of Everything/LC’s Comic Corner. We talk about everything from Taun Tauns breaking Star Wars, multi-person At-At costumes, as well as the differences Harry
In a sea of Rebel sympathizers, do you ever feel embarrassed by your Imperial love? Do you find it hard to find like minded supporters of the Empire? Are you smart enough to perceive through the Rebellions lies of ‘Freedom’
Due to a Bus having a disagreement with Jon’s Car, the boys at Hoth Topics had decided to forgo a normal episode and bring you a a reaction/review of the new Resistance Trailer. How will our intrepid hosts feel about
In a recent episode of the podcast, we went ahead and dove into some of the lessons we’ve learned from Star Wars. During the conversation I had mentioned one of the reasons why I enjoy Star Wars to the extent
The lessons we learn in Star Wars go much further than just the what Luke learns from Yoda or Anakin learns from Obi-Wan. This week, Jon and Ian talk about what they’ve taken away from the Star Wars trilogies, the
Join our intrepid hosts as they dive into the Episode 9 cast list (at least what we know so far). Our hopes and fears over the castings and what we think of JJ’s revelation that of Carrie Fisher’s involvement in
Jon and also Ian reflect on the past week of San Diego Comic Con. Cool things we saw. Cool People we talked to, cool costumes we wore, etc. So sit back and buckle up, because Hoth Topics is comin’ at
San Diego Comic-Con started a week ago. That’s crazy to me. already a week has passed since I drove down to (the formally Qualcomm) Stadium hoped on a trolley and was part of the one of the largest gatherings of