Mando Season Two is upon us. Jon and also that Ian fella have a quick discussion about their hopes and dreams and probably some stuff about the upcoming season. Complaints or Contradictions can be sent to Ian, specifically at

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Mando Season Two is upon us. Jon and also that Ian fella have a quick discussion about their hopes and dreams and probably some stuff about the upcoming season. Complaints or Contradictions can be sent to Ian, specifically at
We have a quick discussion on the trailers for Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian. What we hope to see, what we don’t want to see, as well as another discussion about Endor. Also Ian claims to have a
Recorded on a phone in Jon’s car while waiting for Wal-Mart to put out the Triple Force Friday merchandise at Midnight. We talk about what we are hoping to score, what we expect to see, and what we walked out
Ian And Jon went to Wondercon Anahiem 2019. And they went in style, well, Star Wars style. Join us this week as we reminisce about WCA…since we didn’t get to go to Celebration Chicago. Also, for fun, here are some
Listener Electronic Mail, or “E-Mail” in the shorthand, from Friend of show Tim! On this Echo Base Nights we theorize on what the attitudes the CIS had towards the Jedi during the clones wars and what the lasting repercussions were
Star Wars: Resistance is out and we are adding to the cacophony of reviews that we are sure you’ve already listened to! How is Ian dealing with the seemingly lack of Force Wizards? Will the lack of a land mass
Due to a Bus having a disagreement with Jon’s Car, the boys at Hoth Topics had decided to forgo a normal episode and bring you a a reaction/review of the new Resistance Trailer. How will our intrepid hosts feel about
Join our intrepid hosts as they dive into the Episode 9 cast list (at least what we know so far). Our hopes and fears over the castings and what we think of JJ’s revelation that of Carrie Fisher’s involvement in
Ian recently helped out on a film crew for an Indie Film. While on set, he struck up a number of Star Wars conversation with other crew members. In this, the second, episode of Echo Base Nights, Ian relates the
Welcome to Echo Base Nights. As you may have read in the post-script of our last post, that Echo Base Nights is where we will be publishing our content cut from longer episodes and also shorter discussions. Our inaugural episode,