The lessons we learn in Star Wars go much further than just the what Luke learns from Yoda or Anakin learns from Obi-Wan. This week, Jon and Ian talk about what they’ve taken away from the Star Wars trilogies, the

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
The lessons we learn in Star Wars go much further than just the what Luke learns from Yoda or Anakin learns from Obi-Wan. This week, Jon and Ian talk about what they’ve taken away from the Star Wars trilogies, the
I owe George Lucas an apology. When I was younger, I was one of the negative fans who bashed him for the quality Prequel movies. Not with any basis in cinematic criticism, not because my actual opinion of them was
Anyone who has been with us so far on this Hoth Topics journey knows that I am no stranger to strong opinions when it comes to Star Wars. It’s one of the running jokes we have. Believe it or not,