Episode 10: Music of the Prequels

*Disclaimer: Ian and Jon are not professional musicians, or really remember anything apart from a few lessons from Middle School/High School band classes. If you find yourself aggravated and annoyed with our dissection of the Film Scores of the Prequels, we are right there with you. Disclaimer Over*

Join our hosts as they dive head first into the wonderful music of the Prequel Trilogy. What are Ian’s top 5 tracks? More importantly, what are Jon’s favorite tracks? Using their limited knowledge of music they tear apart the Prequels looking for that Audio Gold!

*recorded the week before Solo came out*


Check out the Music Books Jon and Ian had as Younglings:

Bantha Music Books

^link to Wookiepedia page, I couldn’t find the books for sale, but also, I really didn’t try too hard ^_^

Also Available on YouTube!

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